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составить вопросы к тексту

10-11 класс

A 40-year old man came home from his work. In the evening he felt a had
headache and cold. Next morning his wife
called a doctor.

Ivkinaoksanai 04 февр. 2014 г., 17:16:19 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 февр. 2014 г., 19:23:12 (10 лет назад)

What had happen to a man?
What did the doctor find when he examined a man?
He often sneezed, didnt he?
What did the doctor advise to the man?


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В каждой строке найдите два слова, в которых буквы читаются одинаково. 1. 1) sail 2) coat 3) pie 4) lay 2. 1) mete 2) sit 3) seat 4)


3. 1) pit 2) laid 3) fight 4) site

4. 1) sort 2) firm 3) suit 4) hurt

5. 1) time 2) sew 3) cut 4) pole

6. 1) say 2) toy 3) boil 4) boat

7. 1) by 2) grey 3) mind 4) tip

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other researchers

construct buildings and bridges

be ahead of their time

run over the budget

run behind schedule

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The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. Russia is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia. It occupies about one-seventh of the earth's surface. Its total area is about 17 million square kilometers. The country is washed by 12 seas of the Pacific, the Artic and the Atlantic Oceans. In the south Russia borders on China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. It is bounded by Norway, Finland, the Bal¬tic States, Belorussia, the Ukraine in the west. It also has a sea-border with the USA.
There are different types of climate in different regions of the country. The climate is arctic in the north of the country. The climate is subtropical in the south of Russia. In the middle of the coun¬try the climate is temperate and continental.
There are two great plains in Russia: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Lowland. There are several mountain chains on the terri¬tory of the country: the Urals, the Caucasus, the Altai and others. The largest mountain chain is the Urals. It separates Europe from Asia.
There are over two million rivers in Russia. The longest river is the Volga. The main rivers are the Ob, the Yenisei, the Lena, the Amur. Russia is rich in beautiful lakes. Lake Baikal (1600 metres) is the deepest lake in the world. The largest lake of Europe, Ladoga, is situated in Russia.
Russia has one-sixth of the world's forests. Russia is very rich in oil, coal, iron ore, natural gas, copper, nickel and other mineral resources.
The population of Russia is about 150 million people. More than 100 languages are spoken all over the country, but Russian is the state language. The capital of Russia is Moscow. Moscow is the largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial centre.
Russia is a parliamentary republic. The Head оf State is the President. The national symbol of Russia is a white-blue and- red banner. The white stripe symbolized the earth, the blue stands for the sky and the red one symbolized liberty. The hymn of Russia is written by Mickalkov. The national emblem is a two-headed eagle.

Задание 1. Переведите текст письменно. Задание 2. Составьте 10 вопросов к тексту (5 вопросов к предложению в активном

залоге, 5 вопросов к предложению в пассивном залоге).

Задание 3. Составьте словарь терминов, которые встретились в вашем тексте.

Вариант 6.

Non-ferrous metals are more expensive than ferrous metals and are used only when some characteristic not possessed by iron or steel is essential or desirable in application. These characteristics are: high electrical and thermal conductivity, high corrosion resistance, non-magnetic qualities, light weight, etc.

The metals most frequently used to make non-ferrous metal castings are copper, tin, zinc, lead, nickel, gold and aluminium. Some of the basic non-ferrous metals and their characteristics are described below.

Copper is a reddish-brown, tough metal. It has very high electric conductivity and high corrosion-resistant qualities. Copper is used for making electrical contacts and wires, pipes, telephone cables, tanks, water heaters, etc.

Zinc is a hard, brittle, bluish-white metal that is employed in the pure form as sheet zinc.

Lead is a very heavy bluish-grey metal which is very soft. This metal is highly resistant to corrosion, but its strength is so low that it must be supported by a core of some other metal. Lead is used for lining pipes, acid tanks and coating electrical cables.

Aluminium is a soft, silvery white metal. It is light weight, has high corrosion-resistant qualities and is used for automobile and airplane parts as well as for making different light-weight objects used in everyday life such as: frames, cooking utensils, chairs, etc.

Помогите, пожалуйста, нужно к тексту с переводом составить вопросы ( по 5 типам: общие, специальные, разделительные, альтернативные, к подлежащему) с ответ

ами. Ребятушки, очень надо - завтра зачет. Нужно хотя бы 5 вопросов и ответов))) Заранее огромное спасибо. Я вечно в этом делаю ошибки))
The first permanent theatre in London was built by a carpenter James Burbage,who was also a part-time actor. Of his two sons, the younger, Richard was the first leading English actor. He created the roles of Hamlet, Lear, Othello and Richard III, while the elder, Сuthbert acted as his brother’s manager. The Building which the elder Burbage built in 1576 was known simply as “The Theatre”. It was built outside the city in Finbury Fields. Soon a lot of other theatres appeared. They were the Curtain, the Rose, the Swan, the Globe, the Fortune and the Hope. None 6of them survived but the copy of the Swan. As in Greece, there were no women on the stage. Boys specially selected for their sight build and light voices were trained to play such parts as Juliet or Rosalind. All the actors had to be dancers and singers. As plays were valuable properties they were kept in manuscripts (рукописи) as long as possible. Even Shakespeare’s plays were not gathered together for publication until after his death. Many less known authors completely disappeared. After the age of Shakespeare the English theatre had no great success.

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